DIY: Kids Craft Trolley

DIY: Kids Craft Trolley

Introducing the Craft Trolley hack that broke the internet when Marie Kondo shared it! Eeek! 

Ok here’s my tips on how I created our craft trolley.

Firstly you’ll need the following items;

1 x Bamboo trolley from Kmart $35

3 x Large flat containers from Kmart $21

12 x Sunnersta containers from Ikea $24

Craft Trolley Labels from Luxe Labels $25

Firstly I sort through all the craft items and categorise them into main categories I start with the smaller items and group them together then I move to the larger items.

Eg. Pens, pencils, crayons, textas, paintbrushes, Playdoh, Paint etc.

 Once I have my categories sorted I start placing the items into the containers and then I label them! Always label.. it holds people accountable to put things back where they belong.


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